NDP MLAs say grant will strengthen access to health and safety services in New Westminster

NEW WESTMINSTER – NDP MLAs Jennifer Whiteside and Aman Singh say a community grant to not-for-profits in New Westminster will help organizations buy equipment and build or renovate their facilities in order to improve their services for people.

“Young women and girls face unique challenges, and deserve support services that meet their needs,” said Jennifer Whiteside, MLA for New Westminster. “That’s why our government is supporting the Westminster House Society to expand the services they provide to young women and girls recovering from addiction here in New Westminster.”

The Community Gaming Grants program is providing $5.3 million to 49 not-for-profit that will allow them to make improvements, so that they can keep on delivering services to people.

In New Westminster, the Westminster House Society will receive $184,000 to replace their existing admissions office and provide better triage services. Expansions also include a private counselling office and food storage for the dining hall.

“Our government has people’s back, and that means supporting the exceptional non-profits who protect the most vulnerable in our community,” said Aman Singh, MLA for Richmond-Queensborough. “By providing this grant to Westminster House Society, we’re helping expand access to critical mental health and addictions services to young women and girls in our community.”

This funding is part of the $140 million distributed annually to not-for-profit organizations that deliver services and make life better for people throughout British Columbia.